Finalmente Veneza! :)
Talvez a minha preferida em Itália até agora, fica no norte do país e é conhecida pelos inúmeros canais que atravessam a cidade.
Na verdade, Veneza é composta por 17 ilhas separadas por esses tais canais e ligadas depois por pontes.
É basicamente impossível não nos perdermos por entre os canais desta cidade. São muitos, com muitos becos e ruas estreitinhas e, como se isso não fosse o suficiente para nos confundir, há sempre uma ponte ou um canal dignos de visita, por isso o caminho inicialmente traçado rapidamente se transforma noutro.
Nesta zona da cidade estava tudo estranhamente calmo. O motivo, disse-nos o senhor da loja dos souvenirs (que foram os mais baratos que já encontrei até agora em cidades europeias), era ser domingo - no dia anterior estava uma confusão enorme.
Perto de um canal vimos uma rapariga a ler um livro. O gondoleiro, que abordámos para perguntar o preço do famoso passeio de gôndola, estava também a descansar à sombra e nem insistiu muito para fazermos o passeio com ele.
O nosso objectivo era visitar a Praça de São Marcos. A tarefa não foi fácil - perdemo-nos umas quantas vezes, e nem sempre de forma literal. Perdemo-nos a comprar pizza, ou a experimentar máscaras carnavalescas ou simplesmente nas pontes a ver as gôndolas passar.
Os famosos aperitivos de Veneza |
Pelo caminho decidimos então fazer o tradicional passeio de gôndola.
O preço taxado oficialmente é 80€ para 30 minutos, até 5 pessoas. Durante a noite, o preço aumenta. Normalmente o passeio é feito no quarteirão onde se apanha a gôndola, pelos pequenos canais. É possível negociar e fazer uma volta maior/mais tempo com o gondoleiro, mediante um preço maior, claro.
O nosso passeio começou bem perto do Grande Canal e depois seguiu para o pequeno canal mais próximo.
Por coincidência, neste dia comemorava-se a Regata Storica: uma competição de gôndola realizada no primeiro domingo de Setembro, precisamente no Grande Canal de Veneza!
Por sorte, conseguimos assistir a um bocadinho deste evento logo na primeira fila :)
Mais tarde, tempo então de continuar a procura da Praça de São Marcos! :)
Quando procurei informações sobre a cidade de Veneza e o que procurar, li algures que "É impossível não se perder por lá. Mas, onde quer que esteja, há sempre uma placa a indicar o caminho para a Praça de São Marcos".
Bem... Confere :)
No final da tarde chegámos finalmente a esta praça, com a linda Basílica de São Marcos no centro.
Assim terminou o dia nesta cidade que se tornou uma das minhas preferidas da Europa :)
Ciao Venezia! :)
Finally Venice! :)
Perhaps my favorite in Italy so far, it is in the north of the country and it is known for the numerous canals across the city.
In fact, Venice is composed of 17 islands separated by such canals and then connected by bridges.
It is basically impossible not to get lost through the canals of this city. There are many, with many alleys and narrow streets and, as if that were not enough to confuse us, there is always a bridge or a canal worth visiting, so the path initially traced quickly transforms into another.
In this part of the city everything was strangely calm. The reason, told us the lord of the souvenir shop (which were the cheapest I have met so far in European cities), was because it was Sunday - the day before was really crowded.
Near a canal we saw a girl reading a book. The gondolier, who we approached to ask the price of the famous gondola ride, was also resting in the shade and didn't insist much with us to take the ride with him.
Our aim was to visit St. Mark's Square. The task was not easy - we lost a few times, and not always literally. We lost ourselves to buy pizza, or to try out carnival masks or simply on the bridges, just to watch the gondolas go by.
On the way we decided to do the traditional gondola ride.
The officially price is 80 € for 30 minutes, up to 5 people. For the night ride, the price increases. Usually the ride is done in the block where we go to the gondola and it's done in the small canals. It is possible to negotiate and make it bigger / longer with the gondolier, for a higher price, of course.
Our tour started very close to the Grand Canal and then we headed to the nearest small canal.
Coincidentally, in this day they were celebrating the Regatta Storica: a gondola competition held on the first Sunday of September, precisely on the Grand Canal in Venice!
Luckily, we got to watch a little of this event right in the front row :)
Later, then time to continue the search of St. Mark's Square! :)
When I looked for information about the city of Venice and what to look for, I read somewhere that "It is impossible not to get lost there, but wherever you are there is always a sign indicating the way to St. Mark's Square."
Well ... It's true :)
In the late afternoon we finally reached this square, with the beautiful St. Mark Church in the center.
It was the end of the day in this city that became one of my favorites in Europe :)
Ciao Venezia! :)
Perhaps my favorite in Italy so far, it is in the north of the country and it is known for the numerous canals across the city.
In fact, Venice is composed of 17 islands separated by such canals and then connected by bridges.
It is basically impossible not to get lost through the canals of this city. There are many, with many alleys and narrow streets and, as if that were not enough to confuse us, there is always a bridge or a canal worth visiting, so the path initially traced quickly transforms into another.
In this part of the city everything was strangely calm. The reason, told us the lord of the souvenir shop (which were the cheapest I have met so far in European cities), was because it was Sunday - the day before was really crowded.
Near a canal we saw a girl reading a book. The gondolier, who we approached to ask the price of the famous gondola ride, was also resting in the shade and didn't insist much with us to take the ride with him.
Our aim was to visit St. Mark's Square. The task was not easy - we lost a few times, and not always literally. We lost ourselves to buy pizza, or to try out carnival masks or simply on the bridges, just to watch the gondolas go by.
On the way we decided to do the traditional gondola ride.
The officially price is 80 € for 30 minutes, up to 5 people. For the night ride, the price increases. Usually the ride is done in the block where we go to the gondola and it's done in the small canals. It is possible to negotiate and make it bigger / longer with the gondolier, for a higher price, of course.
Our tour started very close to the Grand Canal and then we headed to the nearest small canal.
Coincidentally, in this day they were celebrating the Regatta Storica: a gondola competition held on the first Sunday of September, precisely on the Grand Canal in Venice!
Luckily, we got to watch a little of this event right in the front row :)
Later, then time to continue the search of St. Mark's Square! :)
When I looked for information about the city of Venice and what to look for, I read somewhere that "It is impossible not to get lost there, but wherever you are there is always a sign indicating the way to St. Mark's Square."
Well ... It's true :)
In the late afternoon we finally reached this square, with the beautiful St. Mark Church in the center.
It was the end of the day in this city that became one of my favorites in Europe :)
Ciao Venezia! :)
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