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Perth! :)
Capital da Austrália Ocidental, é das maiores cidades do país e uma das cidades mais populosas e isoladas da Austrália.
Uma pequena curiosidade: É tão isolada dentro do seu próprio país que fica até mais perto de Jakarta e de Timor-Leste do que das cidades australianas de Sydney ou Melbourne!
O dia começou bem cedo, por volta das 9h da manhã. Depois de pedir algumas informações e de ter um mapa em mãos, foi tempo de ver como é uma sexta-feira nesta cidade australiana :)
A primeira paragem foi à zona perto do rio Swan, o chamado Langley Park. O dia estava a começar e, para além de atarefadas pessoas a ir para os seus trabalhos, já era possível ver caminhantes e ciclistas a aproveitar a pista localizada bem junto ao rio para fazer algum exercício físico matinal.
Nesta zona existem também alguns equipamentos de ginásio, disponíveis a quem quiser exercitar o corpo gratuitamente e ao ar livre.
Depois segui então para a zona comercial. No coração da cidade existem algumas ruas só com lojas onde podemos comprar de tudo um pouco. Pelo caminho, inúmeras estátuas feitas em cobre pela cidade. :)

A rua das lojas de Perth é tipicamente australiana. São lojas normalmente de apenas um piso, com simples placares na horizontal a correr toda a rua. Assim, basta olharmos para cima para saber que loja está ali. :)
Pelo caminho há também labirintos com vestígios de épocas mais antigas.
Por fim, altura de ir visitar o Kings Park. Este parque é acessível por transporte público (autocarro 935, gratuito) e oferece uma vista panorâmica e o parque botânico da cidade.
Este parque é ideal para se fazer pic-nics em dias de sol :)
Até à próxima, Perth! :)
Perth! :)
Capital of Western Australia, it is one of the largest cities in the country and one of the most populous and isolated cities in Australia.
A small curiosity: It is so isolated within your own country that it is even closer to Jakarta and East Timor than to the Australian cities of Sydney or Melbourne!
My day started very early, around 9am. After asking for some information and having a map in hands, it was time to see how a Friday is like in this Australian city :)
The first stop was the area near the Swan River, the so-called Langley Park. The day was starting, and in addition to busy people going to work, it was already possible to see hikers and cyclists enjoying the track located right by the river to do some morning exercise.
In this area there are also some gym equipment, available to anyone who wants to exercise the body for free outdoors.
Then I went on to the shopping area. In the heart of the city there are some streets with only shops. Along the way, I noticed that there are numerous statues made of copper throughout the city.
Perth's shopping street is typically Australian. They are one floor stores, with simple placars horizontally running all over the street. So, you just need to look up to know which store is there. :)
Along the way there are also labyrinths with vestiges of older times.
Lastly, time to visit Kings Park. This park is accessible by public transport (bus 935, free of charge) and offers panoramic views and the city's botanical park.
This park is ideal for picnics during sunny days :)
See you next time, Perth! :)
Capital of Western Australia, it is one of the largest cities in the country and one of the most populous and isolated cities in Australia.
A small curiosity: It is so isolated within your own country that it is even closer to Jakarta and East Timor than to the Australian cities of Sydney or Melbourne!
My day started very early, around 9am. After asking for some information and having a map in hands, it was time to see how a Friday is like in this Australian city :)
The first stop was the area near the Swan River, the so-called Langley Park. The day was starting, and in addition to busy people going to work, it was already possible to see hikers and cyclists enjoying the track located right by the river to do some morning exercise.
In this area there are also some gym equipment, available to anyone who wants to exercise the body for free outdoors.
Then I went on to the shopping area. In the heart of the city there are some streets with only shops. Along the way, I noticed that there are numerous statues made of copper throughout the city.
Perth's shopping street is typically Australian. They are one floor stores, with simple placars horizontally running all over the street. So, you just need to look up to know which store is there. :)
Along the way there are also labyrinths with vestiges of older times.
Lastly, time to visit Kings Park. This park is accessible by public transport (bus 935, free of charge) and offers panoramic views and the city's botanical park.
This park is ideal for picnics during sunny days :)
See you next time, Perth! :)
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