Olá Viena de Áustria!
Os 19 graus pareciam ser apenas 10 e, apesar de o tempo não ter sido muito, tentei ver o máximo possível desta cidade que tanto tem para oferecer.
A primeira impressão da cidade foi a de que tudo se "compõe" - não há edifícios com arquitectura extremamente diferente de outros. No geral todos os edifícios são neoclássicos ou neobarrocos.
A primeira paragem foi, claro, a Ópera Estatal de Viena. Viena é considerada a Cidade da Música Clássica e nomes como Beethoven, Mozart e Schubert trabalharam aqui.
Assistir a uma ópera nesta cidade é um must do, no entanto os bilhetes devem ser comprados com antecedência.
Ópera Estatal de Viena, cheia de turistas |
Bem perto da Straatoper, decidi parar num coreto de rua e provar os famosos cachorros quentes de rua (alguém me disse serem os melhores do mundo!).
A fila era enorme |
Há cachorros quentes com vários tipos de salsicha e recheio. :)
A fome era negra por isso não deu tempo de tirar foto antes das primeiras dentadas :D |
Seguido o fluxo de turistas que se passeavam pela cidade, fui então dar ao Palácio Imperial de Hofburg.
Na zona de Graben está localizada a Igreja de St. Peter.
E, a cerca de 300 metros, a grandiosa Catedral de St. Stephens.
É também aqui que fica a zona comercial desta cidade. Uma rua enorme repleta de lojas que, por ser domingo, estavam fechadas - e nem por isso a rua estava vazia!
Deixei para último a famosa Rathausplatz, sede do conselho da cidade.
E, do lado oposto, um dos melhores teatros do mundo, o Burgtheather.
Nesta cidade é impossível não reparar nos semáforos. Ora tinham bonecos a conduzir uma bicicleta (verde), ora bonecos com a bicicleta encostada (vermelho) nas vias para ciclistas. Nas passadeiras para peões, os bonecos eram, também, únicos.
Quando pesquisei sobre estes semáforos, descobri então que é um movimento gay/lésbico por ocasião de, entre outro eventos, o Festival de Eurovisão de 2014.
Assim terminou este dia em Viena. A cidade é muito limpa, organizada e segura - tendo um dos maiores níveis de qualidade de vida do mundo. É muito rica culturalmente e, por isso, mesmo sem se querer ou até mesmo ao nos perdermos, encontramos algo digno de visita.
Uma cidade a repetir, sem dúvida! :)
Bis bald, Wien!
The 19 degrees felt like only 10 and, although I didn't have much time, I tried to see as much as possible of this city that has so much to offer.
The first impression of the city was that everything is "matching" - there are no buildings with architecture that is extremely different from others. In general, all the buildings are neoclassical or neo-baroque.
The first stop was, of course, the Vienna State Opera. Vienna is considered the City of Classical Music and names like Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert worked here.
Watching an opera in this city is a must do, however tickets must be purchased in advance.
Right near Straatoper, I decided to stop at a street stall and try the famous hot dogs on the street (someone told me they were the best in the world!).
There are hot dogs with various types of sausage and stuffing. :)
Following the flow of tourists strolling through the city, I went to the Hofburg Imperial Palace.
In the area of Graben is located the Church of St. Peter.
And, about 300 meters, the grand cathedral of St. Stephens.
It is also here that is the commercial zone of this city. A huge street full of shops that, being Sunday, were closed - and yet the street was empty!
I left for last the famous Rathausplatz, seat of the city council.
And, on the opposite side, one of the best theaters in the world, the Burgtheather.
In this city it is impossible not to notice the traffic lights.
When I researched these traffic lights, I then discovered that it is a gay / lesbian movement on the occasion of, among other events, the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest.
The city is very clean, organized and safe - having one of the highest levels of quality of life in the world. It is very culturally rich and therefore, even without being wanted or even lost, we find something worth visiting.
A city to repeat! :)
The first impression of the city was that everything is "matching" - there are no buildings with architecture that is extremely different from others. In general, all the buildings are neoclassical or neo-baroque.
The first stop was, of course, the Vienna State Opera. Vienna is considered the City of Classical Music and names like Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert worked here.
Watching an opera in this city is a must do, however tickets must be purchased in advance.
Right near Straatoper, I decided to stop at a street stall and try the famous hot dogs on the street (someone told me they were the best in the world!).
There are hot dogs with various types of sausage and stuffing. :)
Following the flow of tourists strolling through the city, I went to the Hofburg Imperial Palace.
In the area of Graben is located the Church of St. Peter.
And, about 300 meters, the grand cathedral of St. Stephens.
It is also here that is the commercial zone of this city. A huge street full of shops that, being Sunday, were closed - and yet the street was empty!
I left for last the famous Rathausplatz, seat of the city council.
And, on the opposite side, one of the best theaters in the world, the Burgtheather.
In this city it is impossible not to notice the traffic lights.
When I researched these traffic lights, I then discovered that it is a gay / lesbian movement on the occasion of, among other events, the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest.
The city is very clean, organized and safe - having one of the highest levels of quality of life in the world. It is very culturally rich and therefore, even without being wanted or even lost, we find something worth visiting.
A city to repeat! :)
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